Unsubscribing from Anger-Driven Feminism

Arpitha Rao
2 min readDec 4, 2023

In a world where social media platforms have become our daily companions and digital spaces echo with diverse opinions, it’s crucial to curate our online experiences to foster positivity and personal growth. This extends to the realm of feminism, where various perspectives coexist, including those advocating for change through anger. However, there’s a growing need to reconsider subscribing to ideologies that perpetuate anger-driven feminism.

The Power of Feminism:

Feminism, at its core, is about equality, empowerment, and dismantling systemic barriers. It has played a pivotal role in challenging societal norms and advocating for women’s rights. However, the way these ideals are conveyed can vary significantly. Some feminist voices emphasize anger as a tool for change, channeling frustration and indignation towards the injustices faced by women.

The Pitfalls of Anger-Driven Feminism:

While anger can be a powerful motivator, subscribing solely to anger-driven feminism may have unintended consequences. Constant exposure to angry narratives can create an atmosphere of negativity, leading to burnout and a sense of victimhood. Moreover, it risks alienating potential allies and hindering constructive conversations.

The Importance of Balance:

Choosing to unsubscribe from social media accounts, thoughts, or schools of feminist philosophy that predominantly rely on anger doesn’t diminish the importance of addressing gender-based issues. Instead, it emphasizes the need for balance and a more nuanced approach to advocacy.

A Shift towards Empowerment:

Empowerment-driven feminism encourages a positive and proactive approach to addressing challenges. It emphasizes education, collaboration, and constructive dialogue as catalysts for change. By embracing this perspective, individuals can focus on solutions, allyship, and building a supportive community.

Guarding Your Mental Well-being:

Constant exposure to anger can take a toll on mental well-being. Unsubscribing from sources that perpetuate anger-driven feminism is an act of self-care. It allows individuals to prioritize their mental health and seek alternative narratives that inspire growth and positive change.

Building Inclusive Spaces:

Anger-driven feminism sometimes excludes voices that don’t align with its intensity. Unsubscribing from such ideologies fosters inclusivity, encouraging a diverse range of perspectives and experiences within the feminist movement. It creates room for constructive discussions that bridge gaps and promote understanding.


In the digital age, where information bombards us from every corner, it’s essential to curate our online spaces thoughtfully. Unsubscribing from anger-driven feminism doesn’t undermine the importance of addressing gender-based issues; rather, it marks a shift towards empowerment, balance, and mental well-being. By embracing a more inclusive and positive approach to feminism, we can collectively work towards a society that values equality, understanding, and growth.

